RN School

THRIVE in Nursing School. The ultimate nursing school resource to help you master theory content and crush clinical, while maintaining your sanity.

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THRIVE in Nursing School with these amazing online resources!

Your Instructor

Brooke Butcher
Brooke Butcher

Hi there!

My name is Brooke. I am a registered nurse with experience in ICU, ER, med-surg, pre-op and recovery. I obtained both my BSN and MS (with an emphasis in nursing education) from the University of Oklahoma. From 2011-2016, I taught nursing in a community college. My primary focus was spent teaching in the fourth and final semester of nursing school (i.e. the critical care/emergent health content). I absolutely LOVE teaching. My goal is to help exponentially more nursing students through the development of quality online nursing school resources.

Nursing Students need practical and accessible online resources to help them navigate school, clinical, and life as a student and graduate nurse.

My goal is to provide a one-stop-shop for relevant, easy to understand nursing resources.

Let me know how I can best serve you!

Thanks, Brooke

“Brooke knows nursing school!!

She gets it - the exams, the teaching, the enormous textbooks. And she breaks it down comprehensively so that you understand the content and feel comfortable going into each test thinking “I got this!” Teachers in the classroom can only get you so far. That’s where Brooke comes in.

It’s like having your own personal tutor for every unit in real time, as it comes up in your class. She explains things thoroughly and breaks it down so it can be easily understood and digested.

The tools she provides are invaluable - the “cheat sheets,” PowerPoints, interactive Facebook lives, they all come together to give you the best chance of not just making it through nursing school, but succeeding at your best potential!

I couldn’t have done it without her!”

- Erica S., RN School Member & Nursing Student

"I can't express the gratitude for the nursing professor! Brooke has really created a comprehensive curriculum for nursing students to succeed and the Facebook page is a huge plus. The last few months trying to complete school online would have been a disaster without her. HIGHLY recommend this resource."

- Jessi T, RN School Member and Nursing Student

"I did not know about your website for the first test. Wish I did! Bc after using it for the last month I was able to bring up my score 17 points! Thank goodness! Thank you for all of your help! Test was challenging but I definitely knew the material better!"

"Your site really helped me pass last semester!! Explained everything that we weren’t taught in class! Especially those self study topics. Listening to the podcast or Facebook live was like sitting in the class. I’m a visual and listener type of learner, so it was perfect!"

- Liliana B, RN School Member & Nursing Student

"I have never been a good test taker. I have always had to study my butt off work so hard to make the minimum exam scores needed, and then used my homework to boost my grade. Nursing school is all about those few exams. That alone gave me HUGE anxiety. Each semester of school is lead by a different professor with a different style and presentation. When I found Brooke’s RN Professor it changed things for me. There was no need to worry what topics would be in the unit or what to except it was all VERY well organized and straight forward. From the course content to review sessions on audio, study sheets, charts, audio recording, power point, and LOTS of practice questions over all the topics makes you very well prepared!! The lessons and pointers on test prep and controlling anxiety are test helps as well! So if you are the driven hard worker who always struggles with the grades but works their tail off this is for sure the place for you!! And it’s also the place for everyone else. Brooke presents all the content in ways for all learning styles!!! It is worth the price and then some!!!"

- Laura G., RN School Member & Nursing Student

"So so thankful for the time you invested in us. Without a doubt, I’m afraid my story would be a lot different had I not had your help! Good luck to you in the future! You have a gift- thank you for sharing it with us."

- Jaime C.K., RN School Member & Nursing Student

"Brooke helped me to be able to truly understand the content of my fourth semester during a very difficult time. Our class was online due to the pandemic and we had to ultimately teach ourselves critical care nursing. Brooke's website, lectures, interactive facebook lives, and cheat sheets were what got me through the semester. She broke down the complex information in such an understandable way. She was always willing to help in any way she could and has a natural ability to teach. She is the reason I passed my last semester of nursing school!"

- Alyssa T., RN School Member & Nursing Student

"I was recommended through a girl who used your site last semester and i couldn’t be more thankful to her! Thank you SO much for all your help! I would not have made it through this semester without you! You were very to the point and made things so easy! You actually TAUGHT us! But most importantly you were so sweet!!!! Having you there for us and being so supportive and NICE was such an amazing thing to have and helped my mental SO MUCH. you were so encouraging and again just so sweet!! Seriously couldn’t be more thankful!! Again thank you so much!"

- Jordan K., RN School Member & Nursing Student

"I want to say thanks to The Nursing Professor. I handled nursing school with less stress. I will rate the nursing professor a 5 star, for it is far beyond expectations. The numerous amount of questions available help widen your reasoning. Easy breakdown notes with audio. Live lecture with a professor. I don't really give reviews on stuff but I had to on this one because this is more than perfect."

- Kingsley N., RN School Member & Nursing Student

"Thank you, Brooke. I know I couldn't have survived without you!"

- Misti T., RN School Member & Nursing Student

Frequently Asked Questions

What all is included in RN School?
RN School includes study, clinical, and testing tips, as well as powerpoints, videos, podcasts, study guides, cheatsheets, and templates to help you master theory content and navigate nursing school without the overwhelm. WIth the master class you will also have access to a private Facebook group.. This FB group provides direct access to The Nursing Professor team and the supportive, engaged TNP community.
How long do I have access to The Nursing Professor RN School membership?
In signing up for the membership, you are signing up for a recurring membership. This is a subscription service and you will be billed based on the plan you purchased (monthly, quarterly, or yearly). Understand that you will be charged each period on the same day that you signed up (or within 48 hours before or after the date depending on processing). Example: If you signed up on the 15th of May, you will be charged again on the 15th of June, the 15th of July, and so on until you cancel your membership. You have access to the membership area and resources so long as you are a paying member of the community. Upon canceling your membership, you will have access until 30 days from the date of your last/final payment. (Example: if you were charged your monthly fee on the 15th of May, then cancel your membership on May 22nd you will have access to the resources until June 15th.) If you purchased a lifetime membership, you will have access for the lifetime of the product. In purchasing a membership you are agreeing to theThe Nursing Professor's Terms and Conditions found here: https://www.thenursingprofessor.com/terms
How do I upgrade to the annual or quarterly membership?
To upgrade your membership, you will cancel your current monthly membership and purchase the annual or quarterly plan, whichever you wish to purchase. If your monthly subscription has recently renewed and to avoid paying double one month, please contact support – [email protected].
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unhappy with the membership, please email me: [email protected] and tell us why. It is our goal to make your membership experience phenomenal! In purchasing a membership, you are agreeing to the The Nursing Professor's Terms and Conditions: https://www.thenursingprofessor.com/terms.
Are refunds available if I am unhappy with RN School?
This is a membership website. Payments will process automatically on the schedule you selected at the time of purchase (yearly, quarterly, or monthly). Trials: $1 or $7 trials will not automatically renew. If you wish to continue with your membership you will have to enroll in a monthly, quarterly, annual, or lifetime membership prior to or at the end of the trial. All cancellations must be requested at least 48 hours prior to the payment date. There are no refunds on monthly memberships, trials, or one time purchases associated with trial promotions. Refunds for monthly memberships are available within the first 7 calendar days of originally purchasing a monthly membership to RN School, in which the subscriber did not initially start utilizing the membership through a free or paid trial. Annual and quarterly memberships are not eligible for a refund. Email [email protected] within 7 days of purchasing a monthly membership (that was not purchased following a free or paid trial) if you wish to cancel your monthly subscription and and receive a full refund. In purchasing a membership, you are agreeing to The Nursing Professor's Terms and Conditions: https://www.thenursingprofessor.com/terms.
Do you offer additional resources once I graduate from nursing school?
Yes! Upon graduating, you can join our Thrive RN Community to get access to resources and a supportive community that can help you thrive in your nursing career!

Get started now!